Sunday, February 21, 2010

E-coli More Condition_symptoms U Want More Mexicans..and U More Get E-COLI?

U want more mexicans..and u more get E-COLI? - e-coli more condition_symptoms

He receives the support of the illegal workers, became angry and give U E-coli.
So .. if u eat in the restaurant and U get tuberculosis.
Dan U E-coli and provide MS-13

1 comment:

  1. I do not want to his speech with facts, but rather disable

    The State of California provides that irrigation with water from livestock operations, and allows the flow of the water system. Mexican workers have nothing to do with it.

    Mostly Mexicans do not have tuberculosis. In Mexico, like most counties in Central and South America Vacina tuberculosis. Mexicans are positive for anti-TB because they have been vaccinated and the American system of medicine treat tuberculosis place automatically ask if they have been vaccinated or even a chest radiograph. Enter an X-ray after 6 weeks explanation of antibiotics and unnecessary to cure the patient.

    MS-13 gang Salvordoranian not, in most cases allow Mexicans to unite.
